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Supporters Update

Supporters Update

Path Parameters
    supporter_id Supporter Id required
Request Body required
    image Image
    business_name Business Name
    first_name First Name
    last_name Last Name
    supporter_type object

    An enumeration.

    email Email
    phone Phone
    mobile Mobile
    sex Sex

    Possible values: [MALE, FEMALE]

    An enumeration.

    date_of_birth date
    place_of_birth Place Of Birth
    job Job
    ssn Ssn
    vat Vat
    address Address
    address2 Address2
    city City
    locality Locality
    country Country
    postal_code Postal Code
    email_marketing Email Marketing

    Default value: false

    phone_marketing Phone Marketing

    Default value: false

    sms_marketing Sms Marketing

    Default value: false

    postal_marketing Postal Marketing

    Default value: false

    profilation_marketing Profilation Marketing

    Default value: false

    note Note
    certification_url Certification Url
    tags string[]

    Default value: []



    id Id required
    create_date date-time required
    image Image
    business_name Business Name
    first_name First Name
    last_name Last Name
    email Email
    phone Phone
    mobile Mobile
    job Job
    sex Sex

    Possible values: [MALE, FEMALE]

    An enumeration.

    date_of_birth date
    place_of_birth Place Of Birth
    ssn Ssn
    vat Vat
    address Address
    address2 Address2
    city City
    locality Locality
    country Country
    postal_code Postal Code
    certification_url Certification Url
    privacy Privacy
    email_marketing Email Marketing
    phone_marketing Phone Marketing
    sms_marketing Sms Marketing
    postal_marketing Postal Marketing
    profilation_marketing Profilation Marketing
    tags string[] required
    note Note